As the spread of infections continues to grow across the UK here are a few items of information , generated in response to a request from a valued member, which may help. Please remember that the advice is being reviewed on a daily basis. Always check that you have the latest
The information in this blog is intended only as a guide and must not be relied upon as fact or legally binding.
At the time of writing, 16th March, the latest government information suggests that the likelihood of contracting the virus within the workplace remains low. However this risk increases to moderate in retail outlets.
Maintaining a virus free environment is the main priority, keep wiping anything that is touched by anyone regularly with anti bacterial wipes. Also ensure your personal regime is carried out frequently and keep washing those hands.
Sick Pay
For the Self Employed:- If you are unable to work through illness caused by COVID - 19 you may be able to claim under the Employment and Support Allowance from day one of the illness providing you meet certain conditions....mainly that your ability to work has been affected by your sickness. The current payment is £73.10 per week. However if you are obliged to close your shop because of blanket government instruction there is no financial support package available at the time of writing. There are provisions to help businesses pay tax liabilities if in financial distress and these can be found by phoning the Business Support Helpline on 0800 0159 559.
For employers the rules are that if you advise an employee to either go home or stay away from work because of COVID-19 then they are entitled to full normal pay.
An employee can make the decision themselves to stay away from work without providing a GP Fit note and will subsequently be entitled to sick pay as appropriate from day one in the case of COVID -19
If an employee needs time off work to look after a dependant there is no statutory right to be paid for this time off.
If an employee refuses to attend work this could result in disciplinary action.
If an employer needs to close down their business for any reason, including government instruction, they will still need to pay employees as normal for this period.
An employer has the right to tell employees when to take holidays. For example they can decide to shut for a week and everyone has to use part of their holiday entitlement. If the employer does decide to shut down on this basis then he must give at least twice the length of intended shutdown as prior notice of intent.
Hope this is of help to you but PLEASE remember... the above information is intended only as a guide and must not be seen as legally binding especially as the situation is changing daily. Check with the relevant authority.
For more official info see :-