Closure Regulations 2020

There have been suggestions of some businesses considering partially re opening in spite of Government instructions to remain closed until further notice.
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Business Closure) ( England) Regulations 2020 state that all non essential businesses MUST follow the rules or face a prohibition order and fines.
Failure to comply could result in a fine of up to £5000 for a first offence and enforced closure and a fine of up to £100,000 for any subsequent offences.
The regulations are to be reviewed every 28 days, the next review date being 9th May.
Other countries are beginning to relax their regulations but in some cases theirs were more stringent than ours to begin with. Hopefully throughout the UK small shops and businesses will be amongst the first to be allowed to re open but with strict social distancing measures implemented. Make sure you are ready but just for the moment..........
Stay Home, Stay Safe.