Things to consider
For those intending opening on either the 1st or the 15th June things are going to be very different and there are a few measures to consider to make your premises safe for everyone.
These are general rules and not specific to our trade.
A few that have already opened have expressed surprise at how well customers have taken to the new way. Some have also admitted that wearing masks can be very uncomfortable and heat generating. Gloves are more or less essential though. Many have installed screens and have been changing some practices. While you wait watch batteries can cause exposure to risk problems and some members have stopped doing these wyw and ask customers to return and collect.
The new rules
If you sell footwear you should provide disposable socks for customers trying on shoes etc. It is good practice to put any stock that has been tried on into quarantine for at least two days before putting it back on sale.
You should have information visible from outside the shop on how many are allowed inside at any one time.
You should also be prepared to manage queues to reduce risk to individuals, passers by and other businesses.
Inside the shop, distancing marks and a clear one way system should be indicated.
Awareness posters should be clearly displayed.
You should encourage shoppers to shop alone.
Customers should be encouraged to avoid handling items for sale.
Frequent use of hand sanitisers by customers and staff should be encouraged.
You should wipe down anything touched by people, including you and your staff, with anti-bacterial wipes several times during the day. ( the official recommendation is to do this every time anything is touched.
You are requested to dispose of used wipes, gloves, masks etc in a safe and responsible manner.
Good luck to everyone. Stay safe